Chemistry of Biomolecules and Biosystems

Chemistry of Biomolecules and Biosystems

The structure and function of proteins, nucleic acids, lipids and glycans as the fundamental building blocks of life are defined by their chemical properties, which we aim to understand from molecules to complex biological systems. Using synthesis, genome editing, protein engineering, experimental structural investigations, molecular dynamics simulations and AI-based data analysis, we elucidate the structure-function relationships of biomolecules. Of particular interest to us are relationships that enable natural product biosynthesis, the precise substrate recognition and catalytic function of enzymes, the enzyme-free replication of nucleic acid as well as the self-organization of lipids into chemically defined compartments, and that determine the intra- and intermolecular interaction profile, for example with functional surfaces or because of DNA and protein modifications. Based on the decoded natural synthesis strategies and structural principles, we develop highly selective biocatalysts for sustainable synthesis of fine chemicals and active compounds, new medically effective substances and therapeutic approaches, as well as bio-inspired functional materials. By applying next-generation sequencing-based epigenomics as well as mass spectrometry-based proteomics and metabolomics, we also put the knowledge gained about the reactivity of individual molecules into a holistic biomedical context, for example to decipher cellular regulatory systems based on epigenetic changes of chromatin structure in cell development and disease processes or to understand the influence of metabolization in the gastrointestinal tract on the allergenic potential of food proteins. There are thus close links to other units at the University of Stuttgart, such as the Stuttgart Research Center Systems Biology (SRCSB) or the SimTech Cluster of Excellence.

Institutes and research groups associated with this focus:

Institute of Biochemistry und Technical Biochemistry
Prof. Dr. Jens Brockmeyer: Department Food Chemistry
Prof. Dr. Albert Jeltsch: Department Biochemistry
Prof. Dr. Hajo Kries: Department Technical Biochemistry
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Pleiss: Department Technical Biochemistry
PD Dr. Philipp Rathert: Department of Biochemistry
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Franziska Traube: Department Biochemistry of Cellular Biomedical Systems

Institute of Material Sciences
Prof. Dr. Joachim Bill: Department Bioinspired Materials

Institute of Organic Chemistry
Prof. Dr. Sabine Laschat: Department Organic Chemistry
Prof. Dr. Clemens Richert: Department Biological Chemistry

Institute of Physical Chemistry
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Jana Eisermann: Department Biophysical Chemistry
Prof. Dr. Thomas Sottmann: Department Self-Assembly at the Nanoscale

Institute of Theoretical Chemistry:
Prof. Dr. Johannes Kästner: Department Computational Chemistry

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